Hmmm... An entire month has passed by since the creation of this blog. Certain things have changed, I believe, for better. I've had quite a bit of time to do my research and contemplate Korea. Am I strong enough to live independently of my family? University was a struggle; however, great things are born of hardship. I've evolved and grown so much that I barely recognized myself. I found myself. I know what I want and it's to experience everything that captures my interest, to live the moments of my life fearlessly & passionately aware of myself and others. That's a good thing. I'm self-confident and outgoing with such a positive attitude, outlook, and vigor for life. ^^
I was contacted, in my opinion, by an excellent recruiting company,, where I sent my resume. Initially I was looking for a Hagwon, however, a little persuasion led me to be more open to public school positions, which I had secretly desired all along. ^^ Without further adieu... I was hired to teach at a Public Elementary School in Pochen (Gyeonggi-do province outside of Seoul), it's considered to be situated in a rural location, which means some extra pay ($100/mo), possibly a larger apartment, and cleaner air. YAY!! It happened rather quickly. I've been gathering my documents since late March and finally sent my completed GEPIK application and E2 visa documents to Korea last Monday. Now, I must wait. The next step is receiving my visa number then contacting the consulate for an interview. Immediately after that, I can leave for Korea.
To keep busy and get a feel for the concepts surrounding EFL, I'm taking a 120 course also hoping to boost my pay grade to level 2. I'm studying for the GRE, which I will probably take a few days before I leave in late May...
Reading your blog totally brought me back to this time last year. Your posts could practically be mine! All I can say is enjoy your time at home. I was in a rush to get to Korea and I wish I had enjoyed the little things more. It'll be here before you know it! Good luck!